Aerosystems Sponsor Rally Show

È partita il 12 Febbraio sul Circuito di Adria la stagione 2021 dei rally italiani e Aerosystems è protagonista come sponsor del Team Ruoppolo-Avrini con il numero 42. Sulla pista veneta ci saranno i piloti Stefano Ruoppolo e Paolo Avrini a cimentarsi con le prove speciali dell’Adria Rally Show con la versione aggiornata della Škoda […]


Guidata da Arturo Rossi, erede diretto dei fondatori, e dal figlio Nicola, Rossi d’Angera può vantare una tiratura di 150 mila bottiglie all’anno di altissima qualità suddivise tra grappe, gin, bitter, vermouth, amari e altri liquori. Da sempre impegnata nella diffusione della cultura del “bere bene”, cioè bere prodotti italiani di qualità, Rossi d’Angera impiega […]

Aerosystems Always Dare

On behalf of the entire team of Aerosystems, we would like to express our sincere admiration for the amazing efforts put by our employees in the new workplace. We appreciate everything that our team has done over the past year. The endless hours that our people have spent working here, and the professionalism shown has […]

Laser Sensor Units

AEROSYSTEMS LSU Laser Sensor Unit Lidar Laser Sensors – Light Detection And Ranging solutions The LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) laser measurement technology offers solutions for a wide range of applications. The two or more dimension contour data recorded can be processed both internally and externally. The technology is ideal for indoor and outdoor applications, […]

Fuel Caps

Aerosystems offers a line of safety-certified products for Fuel Management. Our array of Fuel Caps products has been designed to meet and often exceed the stringent fuel safety requirements of the aircraft and motorcycle industry. We are proud to have active and certified parts, including flush type fuel caps and adapters. Aerosystems fuel filler caps […]