
Guidata da Arturo Rossi, erede diretto dei fondatori, e dal figlio Nicola, Rossi d’Angera può vantare una tiratura di 150 mila bottiglie all’anno di altissima qualità suddivise tra grappe, gin, bitter, vermouth, amari e altri liquori. Da sempre impegnata nella diffusione della cultura del “bere bene”, cioè bere prodotti italiani di qualità, Rossi d’Angera impiega […]

Aerosystems Always Dare

On behalf of the entire team of Aerosystems, we would like to express our sincere admiration for the amazing efforts put by our employees in the new workplace. We appreciate everything that our team has done over the past year. The endless hours that our people have spent working here, and the professionalism shown has […]

Fan Guards

Aerosystems Fan Guards are used in various sectors, such as safety, air conditioning, cooling, heating, and so forth. Fan Guards have to prevent all possible injury caused by accidentally touching a working or moving fan. Therefore, the guards have to be accurately engineered and manufactured according to the safe working practices in force, comply with […]

Flapper Valves

Aerosystems Flapper Valves are butterfly valves driven by a motor or a remotely manual actuator. The valve is easily driven by the pilot to open or limit the ram air intakes of cabin and cockpit low pressure distribution system. The valves are made of a composite or aluminium cylindrical core. Inside the core a circular […]

Air Ducts

Environmental Control System (ECS) Ducts, used in the aerospace industry, provides a climate-controlled air supply and regulates cabin airflow. These ducts are usually lightweight and can be exposed to high pressure, high temperature and chemicals. High pressure ducts are used in airplanes and helicopters, from the engines, through the fuselage, to the leading edges of […]