The Aerosystems Mandarory Occurrence Reporting System (AMORS) is the system for collecting mandatory reports of aeronautical events, created by Aerosystems to meet the requirements of Regulation (EU) 376/2014.
The AOR System also allows you to collect reports relating to events occurring to Drones, Dangerous Goods, Equipment, Operations, Organizations as well as the personal reports of our employees, they also intend to send a report directly to Aerosystems.
Under Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, Aerosystems has in place the AOR System for reporting Safety Reports to enable individuals to voluntary report to Aerosystems alleged malpractices and irregularities in the field of aviation safety, without having to fear that their action may have adverse consequences for their person.

Who can report?
An Occurrence Report can be submitted by any individual, reporting in their personal capacity, who acquired information on alleged malpractices and irregularities in the field of aviation safety, including, at least, the following:

  • persons having the status of employees and contracted personnel;
  • persons working for airports, operators, design,  production, or maintenance or (training) organisations;
  • persons belonging to the administration or management of an EU member state competent authority;
  • any persons working under the supervision and direction of contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers;
  • persons who report on breaches acquired in a work-based relationship that has since ended.

Before you submit your Occurrence Report please ensure that your information is:

  • Relevant and related to civil aviation safety;
  • Sufficiently specific, substantiated, and ideally supported by documentary evidence. Please note that unspecified or vague allegations cannot be followed up;
  • Complete and comprehensive; do not submit multiple reports as this will hinder the administrative process and the follow-up. Instead, please aim to capture all information in a single comprehensive report.

How to report ?
Reports on suspected malpractices and irregularities should be submitted by completing the online Occurrence Reporting form below. Pplease note that the size of documents attached should not exceed 2 MB.

After submitting a report you may be asked for additional information or clarification. Therefore, please ensure that this email address remains active throughout the entire process.

We thank you for your support and active interest in our company and aviation safety!

AORS Occurrence Reporting Form
Name and Surname
Name and Surname
Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.
Insert Date and Time (UTC) when the event has occurred.
Insert the Place (Location) where the event has occurred (Location, Address, City, State, Plant).
Event Type
Insert the Type of Event from the list.
Insert a short message (title) describing the event.
Describe the event. If You need to send/upload any attachments please ask as you will be contacted with instructions.


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